Chinese New Year! It's a very Special Day for the whole China! However, this year Club Penguin is also celebrating Chinese New Year! Club Penguin has just uploaded a video to their Youtube Channel giving us a chance to celebrate Chinese New Year with Sensei, here's the video:
Here are the Meet-Up times in a more detailed format:
Date: Monday, February 11th
Time: 4PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time, 4PM Greenwich Mean Time and 4PM Penguin Standard Time (Pacific Standard Time)
Server: Mountain
Room: Not specified (maybe... Dojo?)
And that's not all guys, if you watched the full video, you would have understood: We all love Item Codes, don't we? Well, Club Penguin just officially gave an Item Codes for not one but two items! It's a Dragon Costume and Feet and it can be unlocked by the code: HAPPYCNY, which probably stands for 'Happy Chinese New Year'! You can enter this code by entering the 'Unlock Codes' in the Server selection Menu! And if you wear it, it looks good, to me! What about you? Are you gonna celebrate Chinese New Year with Sensei? Let us know in the comments below!
Federflink1 has posted a post on the German What's New Blog, giving us some times to meet him, he wants all of us to discuss about the future of the EPF. Here is what the post says: (translated in English)
Hey people,

As you already know, Herbert has destroyed the Agent Headquarters and Simple Penguin radio. Aunt Arctic wrote in the Club Penguin Times that the architects are already working on the simple penguin radio to give a new look. We also need a new place for the EPF Headquarters. Where there might be a better place than in the underground ...!

Therefore, watch out all the penguins and agents: Together, let us make an underground expedition, and then help clean up the rubble on Simple Penguin radio.
We meet at 05 February 2013 at 16:15 clock (Central European Time) on the Plaza in the server Handschuhe! Anyone can come and bring their Puffles as helpers, EPF clothes, donned helmets and shovels.

This is exciting ... I'm looking forward. See you then! Fins Winker Greetings;-)

 from Club Penguin Team
Here is the meet-up time in detail:

Date: 5th February 2013
Time: 7:15 AM - Penguin Standard Time (PST)
Server: Handschuhe
Room: Plaza

Can't wait! So I guess there will be an underground EPF HQ! Hopefully, I will be attending this one! Because 7:15 AM is 6 PM in Kuwait (Where I live). What about you? Are you attending? Let us know in the comments below!

Hi guys, today I send a e-mail to Club Penguin with some major bug issues! Never mind that! The important thing is: they gave me some exclusive Gary Meet-up times! And this blog will be the first one to publish it! You cannot find these anywhere else on the internet! The date, time and servers are as follows:
January 25
6:30pm PST - Ice Berg

January 26
6:30pm PST - White Out

January 27
4:00pm PST - Big Snow

January 28
11:30am PST - Cloudy
And I am telling you guys: this may be your last chance to meet him in this party! So do not miss this opportunity! (Note: All the time given above are in PST (Pacific Standard Time or Penguin Standard Time). Did you already met Gary or are you looking forward to meet him? Let us know in the comments below!

Lost you chances of meeting Gary? This can be your last chance to meet him before the Prehistoric Party 2013 ends! Club Penguin has posted a video on their Youtube Channel giving us some meet-up times to meet Gary! Here is the video:
The Meet-ups times in more detail, are located below:
Server: Big Foot
Time: 4 PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)
4 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST)
4 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Date: Friday, January 25th 2013
Can't wait to meet him! Thanks Club Penguin for providing us with some meet-up times! Don't miss this! It may be your last chance to meet him during this party! What do you think of this video? Let us know in the comments below!


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